Guile Wiki

Welcome to the GuileWiki[]

Here, you can get a myriad of information on the GuileSync series.

What is it?[]

GuileSync focuses on monster collecting, battling against strong opponents, and getting closer with your Guilepet allies! Basically, it's a remodeled Pokémon game, but with deeper

GuileSync vs Pokémon[]

GuileSync introduces at least three major differences and alterations between it and Pokémon. The first, and most prominent, the battle mechanics. When using a move, you shouldn't be able to use a highly potent move five times in a row, and you can't have all of the powerful moves in one skill set. That's why there are variety-style moves and skills: D-Class moves can be implemented across all Guilepets while S-Class moves should be the most powerful and exclusive of all moves. These moves also implement charge times, so the strategy in the monster RPG system can shine.

Other improvements[]

Latest activity[]
